Recent Projects
Michels Pipeline

With the addition of an oil pipeline through Northern Kentucky, PECCO Inc. got contracted to supply and place 38 21,000 gallon frac tanks. These tanks were filled with water in order to pressure test the pipeline to ensure there were no leaks. PECCO Inc. supplied the tanks, as well as made up the manifold connections between each of the tanks.
Mt. Sterling arsenic cleanup
When arsenic was found in the ground near several families homes in Mt. Sterling, Kentucky, it was imperative to get it removed as quickly as possible so the families could return to their normal lives. The state turned to PECCO, Inc. to complete the job. The project is still underway and it is projected that approximately 35,000 tons of material will be hauled away and disposed of at designated hazardous waste facilities.
Emergency Response

PECCO, Inc. prides itself on its emergency response abilities. PECCO, Inc. will be there 24 hours a day 7 days a week to answer the call in the event of an emergency. Whether is a tractor trailer turning over or an underground utility pipe collapsing, PECCO, Inc. has the ability and knowledge to help.
Underground Storage Tank Removal

Nearly 530,000 underground storage tank releases have been confirmed in the United State as of spring of 2016. Many of these tanks have already been removed but there are still thousand that are in place and slowly leaking there hazardous contents into the ground. It is important to remove these to prevent or mitigate groundwater contamination. PECCO, Inc. has removed hundreds of underground storage tanks and has grown to be one of the areas premiere UST removal companies.
Jim Beam Waste Water Settling Tank Bypass

If there is one thing that people think of the Bluegrass for (other than horses) is bourbon, and PECCO, Inc. does a lot of work for local distilleries who produce this bourbon. The most recent project was for Jim Beam. PECCO, Inc. was brought in to install a system to bypass one of waste water settling tanks. This was done by installing two pumps and an open top frac tank with a weir to partition the tank into two smaller sections to allow the solids to settle out before flowing into the other section to be pumped out. Both pumps were also controlled with floats, which automatically starts the pump when the water level reaches a certain height, eliminating the need for an attendant to monitor the pumps. With the tank bypassed, it was able to be cleaned and have the necessary maintenance completed.
City of Georgetown Spring Channel Cleanout

Built in 1911, the Georgetown Spring Channel is the first place water arrives when it exits the spring that supplies water to the City of Georgetown. In the 105 years it has been in operation, it had only been cleaned out twice and was due for its third. PECCO, Inc. completed the job using four 6 inch pumps and two 4 inch pumps to redirect the 2,700 gallons per minute the plant pulls out of the spring into another part of the settling channel. This drained the channel of water and enabled PECCO, Inc. to remove the sediment that had settled in the bottom of the channel.